Join us in making things that matter

Working at Edenspiekermann means joining an energised team of people that loves to handle complexity with a common-purpose: to guide companies evolution, at speed. Interested in joining our international team to solve the toughest business challenges?

Life at Edenspiekermann
  • We make great things happen

    We don’t just create digital products, logos, or service experiences. We create them to make a difference for our clients and their customers. We make change with impact.

  • We work autonomously, together

    We work autonomously on projects as a team. Teams choose their tools, methods, and structures that work best for the specific project. Within the team, things are done together: no silos, no titles — just roles.

  • We take ownership

    We empower each other to take ownership. And there’s room to start side projects, execute innovative ideas that help make our own lives easier or the lives of our clients and beyond.

  • We fail and learn

    We work hard to make things happen, but we create room to even fail harder too. We learn from each other. And from other people outside the office during trainings, events, festivals and our own Brainfood sessions.

  • We push boundaries

    We are surrounded by people who are all driven by quality and have the bar set high to grow and develop. In our work we push boundaries, work across different offices and occasionally join and empower teams in other cities.

  • We have attitude, but not egos

    We believe that there is simply no reason for egomaniacs to exist in a creative workplace. Egos stifle team growth, negatively affect the quality of the work and are generally a relic of an old industry.

People tell us we have an attitude. We take that as a compliment.

  • Our locations

  • Berlin

  • Los Angeles

  • New York

  • San Francisco